Dear ICSM Badminton, I'm Aryan, a 2nd year medic, and I am very excited to apply for the role of Badminton Vice President. Badminton has been a huge part of my university life since starting at Imperial and I have learnt a lot about how the club works and the skills required to run this club effectively. Having served as Social Captain this year, I have been deeply involved in creating a welcoming and engaging club ...
Badminton has been a big part of my life since school and it still is. Training three times a week made it very important, and being vice president would mean I would hold helping running the club with the same importance. To help the club members get to play badminton in the best way but also to build the best community as I can because I understand this society is not just about badminton its also about the social ...
Hi everyone, I'm Mike and running for Vice President! Vote for me (you have no other choice) as I will bring fun energy and team spirit to every session. As VP, I’ll make sure we have more social games, better communication, and maybe some more tournaments!! Let's all have fun and improve at badminton together. ??? I'm running out of stuff to write so... vote for me!
Hello, The others may be better candidates for VP icl.