Photo of Benoit Ben Moubamba

Benoit Ben Moubamba

Robotics: Sponsorship Officer

Let's keep it simple. We re a great society. I believe the robotics society of Imperial college has a tremendous potential to get further support and partnerships with robotics related companies.

By finding new sponsors and strengthening current sponsorships, I hope to create more opportunities for members to experiement with practical robotics.

I have a dream, that one day this society will rise up, live up to the true meaning of its creed "We hold these truth to be self-evident that the robotics society shall do actual robotics things."

I have a dream, that one day the STM 32 drawer will not be empty.

I have a dream, that we would have enough motors to build a whole hexapod.

A dream where building a robot would be free at last, thank god almighty they'll be free at last.