Robotics: Sponsorship Officer


Benoit Ben Moubamba

Let's keep it simple. We re a great society. I believe the robotics society of Imperial college has a tremendous potential to get further support and partnerships with robotics related companies. By finding new sponsors and strengthening current sponsorships, I hope to create more opportunities for members to experiement with practical robotics. I have a dream, that one day this society will rise up, live up to the ...

William Purcell

Introduction I am William Purcell, a Des Eng Student passionate about robotics and innovation. I aim to secure sponsorships that will elevate ICRS. My leadership, project management, and communication skills make me well-suited to ensure our society has the necessary financial and industry backing. Why I Am Running ICRS has great potential to expand, provide better resources, and strengthen industry connections. A ...

Raphael Sinai

Hi all (I'm on the right btw)! As sponsorship officer, I would ensure we keep strong links with companies who already sponsor us and reach out to plenty other related and cool companies who would want to help us. Here are points I would address: Talks - I will work closely with the Talks and Events Officers to organise company talks and events (potentially workshops) so that we can get a hands-on view of what our ...