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Sharon Adeniran

Vision: Medical School Liason

I am excited to apply for the role of Medical School Liaison because I am passionate about fostering strong connections between students and medical schools. I understand the importance of clear communication, organization, and professionalism in ensuring that representatives from different institutions have a seamless experience at our conferences.

In this role, I will work closely with the Conference Chairs and President to identify and reach out to key medical schools, inviting representatives such as admissions tutors, outreach faculty, and student ambassadors. I will ensure that all logistical details for their participation, from stand arrangements to prospectus deliveries, are well-coordinated.

A key aspect of this role is communication, and I will ensure that all medical school representatives have a clear point of contact throughout the process. I will proactively address their needs, whether that involves discussing parking arrangements, organizing materials, or ensuring they feel welcome and valued at the event. On the day of the conference, I will be readily available to greet representatives, assist with setup, and encourage students to make the most of the networking opportunities.

Beyond the event itself, I will follow up with representatives to express our gratitude for their time and contributions, strengthening relationships for future collaborations. With my strong organizational skills, attention to detail, and enthusiasm for supporting aspiring medical students, I am committed to making this year’s conferences as impactful and engaging as possible.