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Hi everyone, I’m Akshat, a second-year medic, and I’m excited to be running for the position of Medical School Liaison for Vision. As a second year I remember how stressful applying to medical school was and I would love to be able to help students with their application and give them the confidence to perform their best in interviews and the UCAT. Over the past year, I’ve had the privilege of ass ...
Hello!!! I’m passionate about supporting aspiring medics and widening access to Medicine. As a medical school liaison, I’ll help bridge the gap between Vision and the medical student body, ensuring every student, particularly those from underrepresented backgrounds feel supported in their journey to medicine. I’ll work closely with the team to ensure all events are well-publicized and gather feedba ...
I am excited to apply for the role of Medical School Liaison because I am passionate about fostering strong connections between students and medical schools. I understand the importance of clear communication, organization, and professionalism in ensuring that representatives from different institutions have a seamless experience at our conferences. In this role, I will work closely with the Conference Chairs and Pr ...
Hi- I'm Sneha, a 3rd year medical student and I'd love to be the Medical School liason officer for ICSM Vision. I have been volunteering with Vision throughout my 3 years at med school, ranging from the Roadshow, personal statement marking and the MMIs. I'd love to be in a more of a leadership role this year and help organise the events through communicating with different organisations so that we are able to create ...