Sally Doong
Physics: Events Officer
Hi! I’m Sally, a first-year student and I would love to be your Events Officer for Physoc next year!! :)
I am super committed to ensuring events next year are inspiring, smoothly-run, and definitely worth attending. If elected, I will:
- Push for more joint events with other departments, universities, and societies
- Improve existing events, suggesting new ones, including exploring the possibility of having more external visits and field trips
- Work with committee to strengthen partnerships with organisations such as the IOP to make events even bigger
- Increase more opportunities for students to have a voice, provide feedback, and get involved
- Endeavour to secure even more free food/goodies at events! :D
Here's why I'd hopefully be a great fit for the role:
- Lots of experience with event management
- Helped run physics talks and events for the IOP, the Royal Institution, and CERN over the years
- On the organising subcommittee for the 2025 TEDx conference at Imperial College
- Involved in outreach at Imperial with Robotics Academy and WNBiP
- Reliable and will deliver results
- Recently became a Student Ambassador at ICL
- Have leadership experience from Sixth Form e.g. Head Girl and School Council
- have excellent maths cake decorating skills (see pic) which will definitely come in handy๐ฐ๐๐ง๐ฎ
I'm so excited to be more involved within Blackett and I'd be very grateful for your support- thank you so much for your consideration!