Physics: Events Officer


Sally Doong

Hi! I’m Sally, a first-year student and I would love to be your Events Officer for Physoc next year!! :) I am super committed to ensuring events next year are inspiring, smoothly-run, and definitely worth attending. If elected, I will: Push for more joint events with other departments, universities, and societies Improve existing events, suggesting new ones, including exploring the possibility of having mo ...

Philip Kaloudis

My name is Filippos Akylas Kaloudis and I am a first-year undergraduate. From the very moment I set foot on campus, anxious about my future at Imperial, I felt embraced by the Physoc family that helped me familiarize myself with the new environment. From quiz nights to fun debates and physics conferences, my participation in events organized by Physoc has not only been an ensuing form of entertainment but has also en ...

Andreas Irakleous

Hello everyone, You might already know me, either personally or from the events I’ve helped run this year, like the Kahoot at the start of the year, the Interstellar movie night, or the Study Spaces Tour. As your current Diversity and Inclusion Officer, I’ve worked to create fun and engaging events for our society, and I want to bring that same energy to the role of Events Officer. If elected, I’l ...