Gazette: Website Officer


Imesh Wijesuriya

I am excited to apply for the role of Website Officer for the ICSM Gazette. As a dedicated and organised individual, I am eager to ensure the smooth operation of the Gazette’s online presence, facilitating the publication of engaging content and ensuring seamless user experience. Objectives: ✅ Efficient Blog & Podcast Uploads I will ensure timely and accurate uploads of blog posts and podcasts, making ...

Cormac Doherty

Hi everyone!! I'm Cormac and I'm running to be next year's Gazette Web Officer!! I am excited by the opportunity to enhance and modernise our digital presence while contributing to the growth of the Gazette podcast. Having featured on an episode about the freshers’ experience, I thoroughly enjoyed the process and immediately fell in love. I would love to invest my creativity and energy into hosting and furthe ...