Alyssa Dunlop
My name is Alyssa and I’d love to be your next Travel Editor for the Gazette! Being a part of ICSM has been a privilege these past 4 years, and I’ve enjoyed various committee positions with societies including ICSM Music, RAG, and HWD (to name a few)! Gazette represents all these societies and more, tying them together with each edition and celebrating all that is ICSM.
I believe it is through my plethora of experience working in other committees that will allow me to work well as Travel Editor. Serving on an executive committee of a big society has taught me how to organise my time alongside a busy medical degree, as well work as a Team and understand how societies operate. My work as an Academic Officer oversees the work of younger years, developing the ability to look objectively at other people’s efforts and offer improvements, a skill that is crucial to working as an Editor.
As your next Travel Editor, I will work to do the following:
- Promote Gazette contributions from across ICSM, from first years to recent Alumni.
- Work closely with contributors, replying quickly to emails and supporting their writing process.
- Create inclusive content, highlighting journeys from across the globe that represent as many of you as possible!
- Work with the rest of the Gazette committee to ensure editions are released at optimal times and circulated well to all members of the ICSM community.
Thank you for taking the time to read my manifesto!