I am thrilled to be a part of Imperial Gazette and would love to further my passion for medical journalism on the Gazette committee, strengthening its publications and helping it become the leading and most dynamic student medical publication of 2025/6. I have a broad range of experience in research, writing, and publishing and would love to bring my enthusiasm, diligence, and dedication to the role of Travel Editor ...
My name is Alyssa and I’d love to be your next Travel Editor for the Gazette! Being a part of ICSM has been a privilege these past 4 years, and I’ve enjoyed various committee positions with societies including ICSM Music, RAG, and HWD (to name a few)! Gazette represents all these societies and more, tying them together with each edition and celebrating all that is ICSM. I believe it is through my plethor ...
To me, Gazette is more than a newsletter; it’s a celebration of ICSM’s culture. I see the future of Gazette as a way for each student to hear the voices of their peers, connect with the happenings around them, and be an active part in Imperial’s School of Medicine. The Gazette does a great job at this currently, but I hope to elevate it a notch further. I aim to make reading the Gazette more enjoyab ...