Tea: Tea Officer


Christopher Gebka

So... I need a manifesto... hmmm... I did prepare a lovely piece of comedic writing as I did last year, however due to this text box not being able to format it all correctly, I have sadly had to abandon it. In replacement, feel free to have this instead: 1AA4KEKT98PX2HRXHP1RS7WTAKQCSMC6R51TPXHW5GBV-1HMUOA1.NPNU 7.SHZ2WIUKGX1D7YTO5CJK89HX5EG7FAPHIVK0K1Q7YSG6M81VPVATPKPZQ4LZ26WTN.WIG9SGODB53M.J6XGJTX 4SCJZQFSI-67XECU ...