Design Engineering: President


Ling Liu

Hello everyone, my name is Ling Liu, and you can also call me Linda. I'm here to run for President of DesSoc. The reason why you vote me: More FREE events with diverse opportunities for all students Stronger industry connections and better placement support Expanding DesSoc’s recognition through connections in IDE and four new master’s programs Continuing and improving Helping Sheet by adding maste ...

Alex Li

Hi, I'm Alex, a 3rd-year DesEng student. I've greatly enjoyed my time on the DesSoc committee, participating in the society's events and opportunities. I hope to bring the experience I've gained from my roles on both DesSoc (Social Events Manager) and other societies (treasurer/publicity officer for A Cappella), giving me a strong understanding of union procedures. I'm a team player deeply invested in Imperial's ext ...

Prithvi Joseph Philip

Hi, I am Prithvi, a second-year mechanical engineering student :(