Dear fellow AMSA Members, I am Adelaide, and I am excited to run for AMSA Academic Officer! As a member for the past two years, I have gained valuable insight into how the society operates and the impact of its academic and social initiatives. My passion for medical education and commitment to AMSA make me confident in my ability to contribute meaningfully to this role. This year, I assisted with AMSA’s mock ...
Hi! I’m Ashley and I am excited to run for Academic Officer of AMSA! As a 2nd year medical student committed to academic improvement and peer support, I believe this role provides me with the perfect opportunity to achieve this. My vision: Ensuring smooth running of Mock exams such as CPA, OSCE and PACES via early planning and recruitment of subcommittees at least 2 months before. I will provide year-spe ...
Hi there! I’m Ian and I’m running for Academic Officer. TL;DR: Help students get involved with research, improve OSCE/PACES/CPA tutorials, fix previous problems AMSA’s unwavering support towards my exploration of the academics of medicine brought my 2nd year at AMSA to life. Taking on the mantle of academic officer will allow me to give back to the AMSA community in the way I’m best suit ...