Hi everyone! My name is Nikita and I am running for “Reconstructing the Stereotype” conference chair this year. I wanted to run for this role because having attended the conference this year, I was really inspired by the various speakers and found the workshops incredibly informative, I had never realised the wide range of applications the field of plastics encompassed! I believe I’d be great for t ...
We’re Chirag and Marya, and we’re thrilled to run for Conference Chairs for RTS! Our goal is to make this conference a dynamic, thought-provoking, and inclusive experience that not only challenges perceptions but also highlights the full scope of plastic and reconstructive surgery. We want to push boundaries and explore the future of plastics and reconstructive surgery, incorporating themes such as globa ...
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We’re Chirag and Marya, and we’re thrilled to run for Conference Chairs for RTS! Our goal is to make this conference a dynamic and inclusive experience that not only challenges perceptions but also highlights the full scope of plastic and reconstructive surgery. We want to push boundaries and explore the future of plastics and reconstructive surgery, incorporating themes such as global health, AI-driven ...
Hi, I’m May and I’m running for RTS chair! For me, at first I was put off plastics, thinking that it's commercially driven and even superficial due to the focus on cosmetics, which may be true to a certain extent. But going to the plastics evening lecture series last year and the RTS conference this year changed my views. Seeing the way surgeons could restore functions in parts of the body in creative wa ...
Having thoroughly enjoyed the RTS conference this year, I would love to be part of organising it next year. I have experience leading a medical society which ran regular sessions, and sometimes involved bringing in a consultant speaker. I am confident I can identify and contact numerous professionals for the RTS conference. Having planned events for 200+ people, I understand the collaborations involved with different ...