Design Engineering: Workshops Manager


Neeka Garoosi

This candidate did not supply a manifesto.

Zhihan Wang

Hi guys, I'm Winnie (Zhihan). I am running for Workshop Manager because I am very passionate about organising and running workshops. If I am elected, I will focus on bringing a variety of topics to the workshop, making sure everyone gets something out of it, and paying attention to all the little details to create a enjoyable experience. I would also communicate regularly with the participants and listen to their ...

Devanshi Kaura

Many say that the university experience is not characterized only by what you learn in your course, but how you extend yourself outside of it. I am Devanshi Kaura, and as Workshop Manager for Des Soc I hope to help people strive for something greater and reach the places they wish to get to. Design Engineering is an all-encompassing course, and yet it may not include what you want, in the depth that you'd like - may ...