Photo of Poppy-Valerie Walker

Poppy-Valerie Walker

Sea Shanty: Chair

Avast everyone, my name is PV and I would love to be your Captain next year!

I first encountered sea shanties not via Assassin’s Creed or lockdown’s “Wellermania," but when constructing HMS Terror out of cardboard. I selected a playlist of Choice Shanties – and was hooked.

Later, I discovered Sea Shanty at the Fresher’s Fair, promising a choir for people who couldn’t sing (I can’t) and steadfast shipmates (so winning a company that I eventually received the Order-of-the-Grey-Octopus/O.G.O for best attendance.) I’ve now sailed with the crew for four years, and as the society took flight, I’ve journeyed with it – I came for the shanties and yet have also stayed for the people!

I will be most senior original Shanty member remaining in IC next year – in my dotage, I know how sessions run by now! Previously I’ve lurked as resident eminence grise, but have necessary experience to take the helm (three years on my volunteering society’s committee, directing own subteam, managing email accounts), and juggling numerous teaching/secretarial roles for my course’s younger years.

Some ideas for next year:

  • Trips: Cutty Sark Shanty Festival, Golden Hinde, Greenwich Maritime Museum(+/Pirate Exhibition).
  • Collabs with other societies
  • Reinstate prestigious O.G.O for loyal members
  • Investigating our first concert/performance!

Overall, with a wealth of experience and a passion for shanties, it would be a pleasure and a privilege to lead this society next year, and continue our Golden Age of Piracy!

Here’s a health to the company – thanks for your consideration.