Sea Shanty: Chair


Poppy-Valerie Walker

Avast everyone, my name is PV and I would love to be your Captain next year! I first encountered sea shanties not via Assassin’s Creed or lockdown’s “Wellermania," but when constructing HMS Terror out of cardboard. I selected a playlist of Choice Shanties – and was hooked. Later, I discovered Sea Shanty at the Fresher’s Fair, promising a choir for people who couldn’t sing (I can& ...

Matej Kusik

I) Our Creed Let it be known across the seven seas and beyond, that the Sea Shanty Society stands as an indomitable force of song, unity, and revelry. As a motley band of weirdos, we brave the depths of Huxley and quake the very foundations of Blackett with our voices to bring joy to our hearts and terror to the hearts of our foes. As Captain of this noble crew, I vow to uphold the traditions of our forebears while ...