Photo of Matej Kusik

Matej Kusik

Sea Shanty: Chair

I) Our Creed

Let it be known across the seven seas and beyond, that the Sea Shanty Society stands as an indomitable force of song, unity, and revelry. As a motley band of weirdos, we brave the depths of Huxley and quake the very foundations of Blackett with our voices to bring joy to our hearts and terror to the hearts of our foes.

As Captain of this noble crew, I vow to uphold the traditions of our forebears while steering us toward new horizons.

II) Duties of the Captain

As Captain, I pledge to:

  • Lead with strength, wisdom, and a hearty spirit
  • Foster a crew that welcomes all
  • Organize grand gatherings and plenty of events, where voices rise like a tempest and Rum flows like an open tide.
  • Fill our treasure chests with gold so we may never be forced to grovel and beg the union for money

III) The Course Ahead

With compass set and sails unfurled, we shall:

  • Expand our ranks, bringing new voices into the fold.
  • Venture into taverns, pubs, and beyond, to spread the joy of shanty singing.
  • Explore the high seas for new adventures and events.

IV) The Captain’s Oath

By the salt of the sea and the strength of our chorus, I pledge my voice, my heart, and my soul to this Society. May our voices never falter, our spirits never wane, and our legacy never be lost to the depths.

So vote for me shipmates, and let us sail forth !