Chinese: Public Relations Officer


Huaihou Yang

吾名怀厚,字憨然,今愿执华人社团公关之职,望诸位予以支持。 吾於西洋留学数余年,研习英、德、瑞、西、日诸语。现事帝国学院学生会常委兼CGCU执钤仪使,积数载与洋人及西洋民主团体共事之经验,学院诸机构职能悉皆熟识,学院之纲领、行动之原则皆能诵之。 今远渡重洋,每每逢他乡寒夜长冬,莫不盼望祖国之和风与茉莉枝丫。每每观他国局势动荡,莫不欣於祖国之富强与光辉历史。而今学院之中,在在处处无不有华人之身影。吾闻社团之选举,欣喜若狂。 ...

Zhide Situ

No event is beyond my imagination, and no interaction is beyond my reach! Next year, I will continue to bring you exciting and unforgettable experiences, including the ever-popular “If You Are the One” dating event and our legendary boat party. But I won’t stop there. I will take things to the next level by collaborating with the most elite and dynamic universities in London, such as UAL, LSE, and ...