Firstly, I will work closely with our Executive Committee to develop a comprehensive publicity plan for the year. This will include identifying key events and initiatives that we want to promote, as well as determining the most effective ways to reach our target audience. By working together, we can create a unified and consistent message that accurately reflects our society's values and goals. Secondly, I will leve ...
Hi! I'm Jeevan, a fifth year medic with a keen interest in being involved the O&G in the future. I'd love to be a part of the committee and get involved in the exciting events that they hold. As a publicity officer I would be eager to keep the social media accounts and ICSM chats up to date with the latest info regarding the society and events. I have experience with publicising events such as conferences and sh ...
I am very passionate about reproductive and women's health. I am deeply interested in raising awareness about global reproductive health issues and the lack of funding and research into women's health. I would love to be a part of Obs & Gynae Soc to do my part in making a difference. During my experience as a Social Media and Marketing Officer for both ICSM Charity Fashion Show and Hindu Society, I have honed th ...
Hi, my name is Kaaviya! I am very interested in Obstetrics and Gynaecology and would love to be more involved with ICOGS. Attending the ICOGS Annual Conference last year, allowed me to further develop my interest in this field, by hearing from accomplished speakers, and participating in workshops, which included hands-on training in episiotomy techniques and laparoscopic procedures. As the current treasurer for I ...
Hi! I’m Fatima - a 5th year medic. I’ve developed a real passion for O&G over the last couple of years - augmented by my O&G placement this year. O&G is a fascinating specialty that all medics should explore. As publicity officer it’ll be my job to help spread that awareness. I will use technology and social media to my advantage to share O&G opportunities and messages to as many uni ...