Photo of Gabriel Johnson

Gabriel Johnson

Sports & Exercise Medicine: Co-chair

Hi all!

I'm excited to run for Co-Chair and contribute to SEMsoc after being a member for the past three years :)

Why you should vote for me:

  • MSK Workshops: We get hardly any MSK teaching in our curriculum - I want to change that and give all year groups hands-on experience through MSK workshops.
  • Annual Conference: Through my SEM iBSc at QMUL and previous SEM placements, I've picked up my fair share of contacts whom I'll share with you in a diverse and expert conference panel.
  • Fitness Freak: I don't just talk the talk; I walk the walk! I'm an exercise junkie, enjoying calisthenics (I'm still working on a consistent handstand!), yoga, running and swimming. My love for exercise fuels my commitment to SEMsoc.
  • SEMsoc Insider: I've been a member for three years: I get SEMsoc inside out.
  • Leadership Experience: I repped for the SEM iBSc and have been Yoga Club Vice President. I’m organised, reliable, and know how to run a society.

With your support, we can show everyone why SEM is the best speciality 😎
