Photo of Deniz Beydagi

Deniz Beydagi

RCSU: Vice President (Clubs and Societies)

Hi Everyone,

I’m Deniz, a second-year Biological Sciences student. This year, I am running for the Vice President (Clubs & Societies) role. I have been involved in the founding and directing of many clubs both in high school and university, so believe me when I say I’ve experienced my fair share of problems :) Thus, I would like to give back to my community at RCSU by helping our CSPs run smoothly this year!

This past year, I was the Bio Wellbeing DepRep. As part of this role I:

  • Kept contact with students regarding their welfare & provided resources
  • Advocated for the addition of prayer rooms around campus in the department and faculty
  • Maintained contact with other Reps, Societies, and the Union throughout the year

Working alongside the RSCU committee this past year, I have seen just how much positive change the RCSU can create. I would be honored to join the RCSU Team and do more for my community. If elected as VP of Clubs and Societies, I will:

  • Create a unified community among departments by standardizing platforms and calendars used by academic societies
  • Survey RCSU C&S regularly to troubleshoot problems quickly when they arise
  • Promote the collaboration of C&S
  • Keep contact with VPs of the other constituent unions
  • Ensure smooth running of C&Ss by efficient and clear communication

In the next academic year, I will strive to have all my peers be proud RCSU members!

Thank you for your consideration,

Vote for Deniz besties! (pls)

Deniz (she/her) <3