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Serena Corry

Infectious Diseases Society: Public Health Officer

Hello, I am Serena, a first year medical student.

I am very interested in public health in particular in how scientific experts can work with governments to effectively limit the harm caused by infectious diseases. The Covid-19 pandemic highlighted to us all how vulnerable we are to pandemics and has provided us with valuable lessons on how to appropriately prevent and tackle these.

If I am elected, I will aim to hold an event centred around the management of the Covid-19 pandemic in this country and around to world to better illustrate the power of effective public health (and unfortunately the converse). I have previous leadership and teamwork experience for example through my roles as Deputy Head Girl in school, on the committee of my school's medical society and most recently as part of the ICSM RAG Fashion Show committee. I am dependable and reliable and will work hard to support the continuation of the excellent work of this society.

Thank you for reading my manifesto! Please email me if you have any questions at