Photo of Charles Lassailly

Charles Lassailly

Infectious Diseases Society: Public Health Officer

🗳️!VOTE FOR ME!😊 You won't regret it!

This society needs a Public Health Officer who is:

1/ Proactive;

  • I am PROACTIVE ☀️- whether juggling between being a Content Creator, an ASK Student Champion, and loving boyfriend...
    • ... I always make sure I plan my week ahead, manage my time, and be as present & productive as I can be.
      • -> Count on me to show up when you need me to. ✅

I am proactive...

2/ Communicative;

  • I am COMMUNICATIVE 🤝- being a committed teamworker through my experiences being part of Imperial's Communications team, being class rep in Y10-Y13, and a fellow BMB student (aka TBL and LP1) has...
    • ... equipped me with the right communication skills needed for the role.
      • -> Count on me to be an active listener, responsive, and efficient. ✅

I am proactive, communicative...

3/ Passionate.

  • I am PASSIONATE 💪- once engaged in a project, you won't see me doing a half-as*ed job. While shooting a video for Imperial's TikTok/Instagram, or while volunteering for charities, or performing a Western Blot...
    • ... I will be ressourceful, detail-oriented, and committed to the goal as a bigger picture.
      • -> Count on me to be fully engaged and go the extra mile. ✅

I am proactive, communicative, and passionate!

So everyone... 🗳️VOTE for ME and do so with GLEE!😊

  • I will:
    • Bridge all participants with the society!
    • Communicate your interests!
    • Keep you all updated on the latest events!
    • And organise educational seminars on burning topics!