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Sofia Zibordi

Plastic Surgery: Emergencies in Plastics Conference Chair

My passion for emergency plastic surgery stems from the unique challenges and immense rewards that come with restoring function and aesthetics under pressing circumstances. This field demands not only technical skill but also creativity, resilience, and a deep sense of empathy—all qualities I strive to embody in my daily practice.

Attending this year's "Emergencies in Plastic Surgery" conference was a transformative experience for me. The wealth of knowledge shared, the innovative techniques discussed, and the camaraderie among professionals deeply inspired me. It reinforced my commitment to this speciality and ignited a desire to contribute more actively to our field. The conference highlighted the critical need for continuous education, collaboration, and innovation to improve outcomes in emergency plastic surgery, and I am eager to play a pivotal role in driving these initiatives forward.

As Chair, I envision a future where our community is at the forefront of emergency care advancements and where the conference brings together professionals from a multitude of backgrounds to present their work and explain the challenges of medicine in emergencies. I am eager to organise a conference that will have a profound impact on the participants and will spark the interest of young students into the field of emergency surgery.

I am driven by a commitment to excellence in all aspects of emergency plastic surgery. I am dedicated to making a positive impact on our field and to supporting my colleagues in their pursuit of professional growth and exceptional patient care.