Photo of Shen Li

Shen Li

Personalised Medicine: Secretary

As a first year Medical Biosciences student passionate about the innovative field of personalised medicine, I am excited to apply for the position of Secretary for Personalised Medicine Society. I am eager to play a part in ensuring the efficient and effective administration of the Personalised Medicine Society, supporting our mission to explore and promote advancements in personalised medicine with a focus on entrepreneurship.

Key Objectives

  • Efficient Communication: I will ensure clear and consistent communication between committee members and society members. This includes timely dissemination of information regarding events, meetings, and opportunities via email, social media, and other channels.
  • Event Coordination: I will assist in organising and coordinating our diverse range of events, from guest speaker lectures and academic workshops to networking and social opportunities. My goal is to ensure these events run smoothly and are well-attended.
  • Member Engagement: I will actively seek feedback from our members to understand their needs and interests, helping to tailor our events and initiatives to better serve our community. This will include conducting surveys and organising feedback sessions.

About me

  • Strong Organisational Skills: My ability to manage multiple tasks and maintain detailed records will ensure the smooth operation of the society’s activities.
  • Effective Communication: My verbal and written communication skills will ensure that all members are informed and engaged.
  • Passion for Personalised Medicine: My enthusiasm for this innovative field will drive my commitment to supporting the society’s mission and goals.

Thank you for your consideration!