Photo of Jasmi Ganesan

Jasmi Ganesan

International Tamil: Head of Acts

Hi, my name is Jasmi , and I am excited to run for Head of Acts. My organisational skills, determination, and proactive attitude make me well-suited for this role.

I have been a dedicated member of our society, consistently collaborating and investing time in various tasks. Being a part of subcommittee, I have already helped the society with small tasks during MM, despite performing, and took charge of marketing for Games Night, ensuring content was filmed and uploaded promptly. Additionally, I sought sponsorships in Tamil during Sponsorship Day, demonstrating my communication skills and commitment to our society. As a TYO member, I played a crucial role in Maveerar Naal, assisting from setup to cleanup and confidently addressing any issues that arose. This event requires respectfulness and the ability to communicate comfortably with individuals in various roles. If elected as Head of Acts, I will transfer these valuable skills to the position.

Aims if Elected:

- Organise and Communicate Deadlines: Ensure all necessary deadlines are organised in advance and communicated effectively to choreographers and participants.

-Highlight the diverse talents within our community while portraying our rich Tamil culture and heritage through our acts.

I am committed to investing the time and effort required to meet our collective goals and vision. University societies are essential for meeting like-minded individuals and exploring our cultural identity. As Head of Acts, I look forward to making a meaningful contribution to our society.


Jasmi Ganesan