Photo of Kenisa Uthayakaran

Kenisa Uthayakaran

International Tamil: Head of Acts


I’m Kenisa and I would love to be your Head of Acts next year. I have really enjoyed being part of subcommittee and I hope to continue working with Tsoc to make next year another memorable one!

As a host of games night this year, I was able to create a fun and warm environment with my enthusiasm. I made sure the event ran smoothly through effective communication with my team. I have previously organised and hosted a concert for over 400 people and this experience allowed me to understand the different pressures and challenges associated with organising acts. I had to communicate well with choreos, not hesitating to be firm when needed. I learnt many skills like effective organisation and time management, as well as rapidly thinking of solutions when faced with last-minute, unexpected challenges.

I am very involved in the Tamil culture and have sung and danced on many stages before. Participating in MM and co-choreoing our act reveal has allowed me to further understand the process of putting together an act and making it come to life.


- Communicating effectively with the acts and my team to ensure everything leading up to the show runs smoothly, and to avoid clashes with room bookings for rehearsals

- Closely working with the musical acts to find of ways of improving audience engagement with them

I believe that my musical passion, skills, and experience will allow me to work with the committee to make MM31 an unforgettable one!