Photo of Xerxes Perry

Xerxes Perry

Mechanical Engineering (UG): Year Two Wellbeing Representative

Like you all I have been stressed and strained by ME1, but what if I told you, it does not necessarily have to be that way this year? I wish to see our cohort a closer community that supports each other when we are (engi)nearing our limits. I will ensure everyone is unobstructed in pursuing their goals, alongside enjoying the plethora of available activities, such that other courses whether concerned with medics or physics will be jealous of our socials. I hope to act as a fast-track for any issues that arise for you and spread them further up with fervour. Alongside this I will relay your honest feedback to create a better future for your MechSoc ™ family where it is not plausible for improvements to affect us. 没有薛西斯,就没有新机械工程. Why not vote for me when most of your course mates, who have a name that starts with an X, have advocated for me?

All that aside, I, personally, have never felt more fulfilled than when I make someone feel safe. I zealously believe there is no better motivation than to leave the world in a better state than that which I arrived to it in. Over the past year I have seen many great friendships forged among us (ඞ) and so I welcome the opportunity to shoulder part of the burden of my peers, and as such have nominated myself for the role of wellbeing representative. I would appreciate your vote.