Debating: Vice President


Anaira Jalan

Hi, I'm Anaira and I'm running for VP. A simple reason why you should vote me - next year I'll be the only VP who has spoken at a major and also NOT been a UCL traitor. Firstly #TeamEnglandplug - this means that I know a lot of people in the debate community which is really important for a VP because it helps us to organise spars and also be a reppy society if we have connections. Secondly, I was president of debat ...

Frederick Steinmann

This candidate did not supply a manifesto.

Aral Nadeem Majid

Debating is a unique avenue for self-development in many fields. Hence, I strongly believe that as many people as possible should be provided access to it. For that to occur, the Imperial Debate Society must be well-run, and I believe I am the best candidate to ensure this. Here's why: I have consistently committed time to the society, having missed only two sessions over the past year. This matters because a key ...

Anya Chaudhary

Hello! I’m Anya, and as someone who started university debating before freshers week even ended, I am running for Vice President of the Debating Society. Why I’m fit for the role: With the planning skills I gained from being president of my school's literary society, I make an organized leader. You’d have a vice president with everything planned, sorted, and executed as you need it; I empathiz ...