Obstetrics & Gynaecology: Education Officer


Lavanya Murki

Hi everyone I’m Lavanya, a third year medical student, and I’m running to be the education officer. Obstetrics and gynaecology is an incredibly amazing specialty in medicine. It plays such a vital role in the lives of mothers and their children. It is a position that is held in such high regard because of how essential it is in medicine; it introduces a child into the world and when the mother is pregnan ...

Zainab Chowdhury

Hi, I’m Zainab, a third year medic, and I’m excited to run for Education Officer for the O&G Society this year! I have a strong interest in women’s health and medical education, and I want to help make learning opportunities in O&G more accessible and engaging for everyone. As Publicity Officer for Muslim Medics, I gained experience in organising events, promoting educational opportunities, ...