Acute Care Specialities : General Executive


Abhini Benedict

Hi! My name is Abhini and I would love to be one of the General Executives for ICACS next year! I have developed a strong interest in acute care specialties, particularly through my clinical placements in anaesthetics and surgery and I’m keen to immerse myself further into this field and contribute to the society, helping to create opportunities for students to engage with acute care medicine. Why me? ...

Thanoosh Thayaparamoorthy

This candidate did not supply a manifesto.

Ruhan Anand

Hi, I'm Ruhan, a 3rd year medical student running for Acute Care Society General Executive. My passion for acute care stems from my clinical placements in second and third year, where I experienced the fast-paced and high-impact nature of acute medicine. Through multiple committee roles this year, I have developed strong leadership and organizational skills, making me well-suited for the General Executive position. ...

Zaynub Jamil

Hi I'm a second year and running for general executive this year. I'm passionate about the acute med specialties and would like to specialise in emergency med once my time at med school is up. I would like to hold more informative and networking sessions where we get to learn about emergency medicine form specialists themselves. I would also like to get a weekly email sent out and hold workshops where we learn about ...