Hi I'm Anjali! I'm currently a 4th year medical student. I have a longstanding interest in the acute care specialties which led me to choose the Anaesthetics and Critical Care BSc. Through this I have gained a deeper insight into the management of critically ill patients in intensive care and the pioneering research taking place in this field. Additionally, by attending the John Vogel lecture series I have strengthe ...
Hi I’m Joshini, a third year medical student! This year, following my placement in Anaesthetics I have developed a passion for the field! I have experience in publicity and event organisation through my roles in Paediatrics Conference Subcommittee, Oncology Society Subcommittee and the SORA publicity subcommittee, where I helped promote and coordinate conferences and workshops. This has given me the skills suc ...
Hey guys, I am Nichchalan, a third year medical student, running for intensive care lead. As intensive care lead, I hope to: Organise talks from healthcare staff that are experienced in this field Facilitate the delivery of workshops on different aspects of intensive care (e.g. developing clinical skills that are critical in intensive care, recognising the different protocols in intensive care, etc.) Organise ...
Hello everyone! My name is Ronak and I am looking to get involved in Acute Care Specialties this year as your Intensive Care Lead. A little bit about me: for two years prior to starting medical school I worked as an HCA on an acute psychiatric unit. As part of my role I learned to perform not only routine procedures such as venepunctures and ECGs but also provide lifesaving BLS and ILS interventions, many of which I ...