Hi everyone! My name is Lucine, and I would love to be your next Events Officer! I’m excited to collaborate with Asaavari, and together we hope to make FemTech as innovative and inclusive as possible. I’m a first-year Biochemist with a passion for healthcare and female empowerment. As a current member of the Events Subcommittee, I’ve really enjoyed exploring these issues and working with such an am ...
Hi everyone! I’m very excited about the future of women’s health, as it has been a hugely under-researched area in the past. Femtech has a massive role to play. I’m eager to connect like-minded individuals through various events, such as talks, workshops and networking opportunities. Throughout young enterprise, I used my organisation and communication skills to coordinate trade fairs. I hope to us ...
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Hi everyone! I’m Siya, a second-year Bioengineering student passionate about tech and women’s health. Did you know that even in 2025, 80% of women feel medical professionals haven’t listened to them – or haven’t believed them?Women’s health remains drastically underfunded and understudied. Conditions like endometriosis and PCOS receive significantly less research funding compared ...
Hiya everyone, I’m Tansy and I’m a first-year medic :) As a current attendee of the FemTech Hackathon and someone who is passionate about women’s health and fixing the gender health gap, I’ve felt so inspired by the inspiring group of amazing individuals that this society is and would love to create even more inspiring and amazing events for everyone to get stuck into. In particular, I would: ...
Hi Everyone! My name is Asaavari. I’m standing to be one of your Chairs next year but also as one of your Events Officers! I aim to transform FemTech into an inclusive and safe space for women in STEM, giving them a platform to have discussions, debates and make discoveries. The future of tech is truly female and I’m counting on you to allow me to become a part of each of your FemTech journeys. For my ...
As someone very passionate about research and how it shapes the medic field. I would love to help host conferences that can help other young researchers like my self get into medical research and gain the insight and help required. I am used to reaching out and connecting with medical professionals so I have some prior experience in arranging to hold education events. However i am also good at organising events in ...