Vision: Dr. Me Project Officer


Sneha Kumari

Hi- I'm Sneha, a 3rd year medical student and I'd love to be the Medical School liason officer for ICSM Vision. I have been volunteering with Vision throughout my 3 years at med school, ranging from the Roadshow, personal statement marking and the MMIs. I'd love to be in a more of a leadership role this year and help organise the events through communicating with different organisations so that we are able to create ...

Aishat Azeez

Hi, I’m Aishat, a 2nd Year Medical Student! 😊 I’d love to be your Dr Me Project Officer, teaching young children about self-care and how to manage common illnesses at home is such a brilliant initiative, and I’d be so excited to be a part of it. During my time at Sixth Form, I was part of the Maths Outreach project, where I volunteered at a local primary school teaching Year 5 and 6 students Maths ...