Photo of Dorsa Daleri

Dorsa Daleri

Dermatology (ICSM): Publicity Officer


I’m Dorsa, and I would love to be your next Publicity Officer. Dermatology has always been a passion of mine, as I believe it encompasses a wide range of intriguing conditions and offers unique opportunities for medical practice. However, I've noticed that limited teaching during BRS makes it one of the less liked topics. As Publicity Officer, my goal is to change this by increasing student engagement in this fascinating field.

As an active member of the RAG committee this year, I’ve gained valuable experience that directly aligns with the responsibilities of this role. Launching "Own It," a public health initiative in collaboration with St Mary’s Hospital, developed my organisational skills by coordinating meetings, recruiting volunteers, and overseeing educational sessions for over 150 students. Creating Instagram posts, developing session plans, and promoting events have made me well-versed in Canva, a useful tool to help promote the events our society offers.

My aims include regularly updating students about any tutorials or dermatology event opportunities, such as the SkinSynergy conference day. This approach allows us to generate excitement and increase involvement and engagement. Additionally, I would like to enhance our instagram presence by posting more reels and photos with a consistent colour scheme and font design, taking our social media outreach to the next level, attracting new members and boosting overall visibility.

I am dedicated to raising awareness and creating a deeper appreciation for dermatology among students. Thank you for considering me as your next Publicity Officer! ❤️💙💛