Photo of Sandi Khit

Sandi Khit

Dermatology (ICSM): Publicity Officer

Hello! I’m Sandi, currently a first-year medical student, and I’m running for the role of Dermatology Society’s next Publicity Officer.

Learning about skincare being one of my favourite pastimes, it follows that Dermatology has become a main interest of mine, especially as clinical skin conditions are so prevalent. Thus, I would love to serve as a part of the Dermatology committee next year to continue promoting the importance of the skin, encouraging interest in the field, and expanding the community.

From designing winning logos and artbook page layouts, to getting frequently involved in school art competitions, you can trust me to commit to producing aesthetically appealing, thoughtful visuals that will punctually publicise upcoming society events across the various modes of social media. I would be grateful for the opportunity to resurrect my retired creative side back into practice for a message that matters – that Dermatology is a society worth joining and engaging in – and with my incessant persistence that I already annoy my friends with, I can assure you that I will stay organised in delivering the memos on time. As for new ideas, I have a handful and more for potential academic and social motives, such as posting regular Instagram stories of revision questions that can be saved as highlights, like flashcards, on the DermSoc page for use when you need them, and possibly posting stories of interesting research on evidence-based skincare products.

Thank you for reading my manifesto, and I hope I earn your vote!