Photo of Sebastian Stuart

Sebastian Stuart

Investment: Treasurer

Hello fellow Investment soc members!

I am excited to announce my candidacy for the position of treasurer for the Investment society!


  • Internship at Perella Weinberg Partners, interviewing for various IB and Private equity internships
  • QTC analyst in transport team - stock picks have returned up to 50% since Nov 2023
  • Completed Securities education certificate with distinction.
  • Founded student led financial reasearch group, focusing on publishing equity research reports and market round ups.

Objectives as Treasurer:

  • Strategic budget management - I would allocate more funds towards genuinely useful resources aimed at directly helping students break into banking, this would include interview training sessions with bankers, CV and Cover letter workshops as well general application workshops!
  • Increased collaboration - It would be great to see more collaboration between finance related societies at Imperial, so funding intrasociety events would be a top priority of mine!
  • Fundraising and sponsorship - I will actively seek out additional funding and sponsorships by leveraging the premier reputation of our society as well as by building relationships with industry professionals and alumni.
  • Social engagement - Last but certainly not least I plan on increasing funding for socially engaging networking events (union nights with bankers), to alow members to build genuine and useful relationships with industry experts and future mentors!

Thank you all for taking the time to read my manifesto and I hope I can count on your vote!

Together we can build financially robust, immensely beneficial and extremely fun society!