Photo of Ryhan Patel

Ryhan Patel

Plastic Surgery: Microsurgery Conference Chair

Hi guys! My name is Ryhan and I am a current 3rd year running for microsurgery conference chair.

I fell in love with plastics as a speciality during my first term placement where I was lucky enough to be placed with the plastics team at ChelWest.

Under their guidance I was introduced to the vast world of plastic surgery. What fascinated me the most were the smaller, intricate procedures that involved a high degree of skill and precision to help reattach and repair small body parts.

Plastics is commonly known for its cosmetic and reconstructive side, and the microsurgical side seems to not be very well known.

My aim as the microsurgical conference chair is to work with like minded students to deliver a memorable conference where students can be introduced into the world of microsurgery, as well as being able to learn basic microsurgical skills from world leading experts.

I also love the way iPRASS currently work with other plastic societies from various universities and I hope to maintain and strengthen these relationships as I believe they can benefit the entire plastic’s student community.

I believe I can help achieve these goals due to my passion and dedication I have for plastic surgery as well as the familiarity I have with the field.
