Photo of Cheuk Ying Kiew

Cheuk Ying Kiew

Plastic Surgery: Microsurgery Conference Chair


As CardioSoc Head of Outreach, I organised and planned logistics of our national conference, establishing a long-lasting partnership with MedMeat, which is crucial for procuring animal meat. My role on SurgSoc’s TraumaConf Committee has provided me with a comprehensive understanding of the complexities in planning an international conference for 250+ delegates, preparing me well to embrace any hurdles. As founding member and Sponsorship Officer for Ortho, Transplant & Vascular Societies, my exposure to sponsor relations and grant applications enables me to work effectively with our Finance team. As ICSM’s PRASSA and BAOMS JTG Representative, my network of surgeons will contribute in speaker and demonstrator recruitment. Attending and presenting in 15+ conferences this year have exposed me to the essence of a successful conference, from which I’ll draw inspiration.


Accounting for speaker dropouts, I’ll recruit 6 speakers (/30mins) for greater logistical flexibility and topic variety. If a speaker can’t attend and pre-records, I’ll send recording post-conference and better utilise in-person conference time for longer Q&As and panel discussions.

Microsurgical suturing on easy-to-tear grape skin was challenging so I’ll explore alternatives (e.g.corn kernel) for better representativeness. Porcine spleen and coronary vessels’ larger diameter make them beginner-friendly, I’ll introduce progression in micro-suturing difficulty to minimise frustrations, whilst improving confidence and gratification. Before implementation I’ll seek consultant microsurgeons’ opinions and experiences. New pre-conference workshops: tissue handling (grape, lime), micro-suturing (styrofoam/sticky tack), instrument handling, dexterity (metronome/hit the dots).

Microsurgery Essay Competition

Kahoot! Trivia

BFIRST Fundraising (tickets, cakes)

Replace smartphone with surgical loupes/magnifying glasses