Photo of Nagme Bilgehan

Nagme Bilgehan

Yoga: Publicity Officer

Yoga has been a big part of my life for the past five years—my sister introduced me to it after I struggled with back injuries, and it’s become my favourite way to find balance and peace. For me, yoga is all about showing up and being present, with no room for ego or competition, and that’s exactly the vibe I want to share with the club. When I finally discovered the Yoga Club (way too late!), I immediately knew I wanted to help spread the word, so more people could discover this amazing community, so more people could discover this amazing community and the regulars would get an enjoyable experience throughout the year.

As Publicity Officer, I’ll make sure everyone is in the loop with regular class schedules, fun event announcements, and engaging content on Instagram and WhatsApp. I love designing things, so you can expect creative, eye-catching posters, and I’m keen to make our social media not just informative, but a welcoming space for everyone, whether you’re a seasoned yogi or just curious about starting. My goal is to grow our community, make it easier to stay connected, and help more people fall in love with yoga by the end of the year.

I can’t wait to meet you all and make this year unforgettable!