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Megan Paine

Yoga: Publicity Officer

Hi, I’m Megan and I’m a 5th year medical student. I am running for the role of publicity officer for IC Yoga as I am a passionate member of the society and would like to take on a more active role. I love how friendly and welcoming the society is and think I am very approachable too. Yoga has been so great for my physical and mental wellbeing and I’d like to be able to share that with more people by being on committee. After completing my BSc in Humanities, Philosophy and Law last year I am missing the creativity that it provided so I would love to get stuck into designing posters, posts and merch for the society. I’m always on my phone and quick to respond to emails and messages so would be well suited for managing all the messages on yoga’s WhatsApp and Instagram. I would like to strengthen the branding of the society and would ensure to maintain a consistent Instagram posting schedule to keep members informed of upcoming events. I would also consider creating a TikTok to expand even more. I have experience in using editing software and Canva from various past projects and would like to increase interactivity with society members. Also, creating merchandise would be something that would fulfil my childhood dreams of designing clothes and I would take feedback from members on what they would like too so we could all be proud to wear our matching yoga merch together!