Medical Education: Secretary


Aayush Darak

Hi everyone, I am Aayush and I am running for the position of MedEd Secretary. I am interested in becoming a part of the MedEd team, not only to promote the immense support it provides to students, but also to develop my personal interest in teaching within medicine. Within Imperial, I have undertaken the role of treasurer for Hindu Society and have also been involved with MedEd as the Phase 1a CSI Crash Course Le ...

Prachur Khandelwal

Hello everyone, my name is Prachur, and I am running for the position of secretary. MedED has played a pivotal role in my academic journey by offering support in years 1, 2 and 3 and also enabling me to give back in the same manner. My involvement as Phase 1B BRS lead has been extremely fulfilling, where I've spent 20+ hours in tutor recruitment, scheduling and troubleshooting on the day to ensure that second-years ...

Daniel Sanmuganathan

Hello! I’m Daniel, and I am running for MedEd secretary! I’m personally interested in teaching, having given a talk by MedEd for 2nd years, as well as previously hosting a tutorial for ICSM Cardiovascular Society. As current Co-President for ICSM Endocrinology Society, I have helped produce tutorials for a teaching series and am currently organising a national conference with UCL’s Endocrinology So ...

Manas Paul

Hi everyone, my name is Manas I am running for the position of MedED secretary. As secretary my primary responsibilities will be to ensure efficient communication, organization, and coordination within the society. I will work closely with the comittee to provide the following: I will help coordinate revision sessions, clinical skill workshops, and mentorship programs to enhance academic support for students acro ...

Zirong Song

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