This candidate did not supply a manifesto.
My name is Yusef, and I am honored to stand as a candidate for the role of Research Representative. I am deeply committed to advancing research within surgical society. Summary of aims and objectives: Create a mentorship programme where students can be mentored by experienced researchers who can offer key insights and guiding students Create and document a network that will help support students get in contact w ...
This candidate did not supply a manifesto.
This candidate did not supply a manifesto.
Research is fundamental to surgical innovation, and as a Research Representative, I aim to bridge the gap between students and surgical research opportunities, making research more accessible, structured, and rewarding. With experience researching hypervigilance and vestibular perception, as well as leading clinical audits such as the DATES audit on TIA services and the Pharmacy First audit, I understand the challen ...
Hi, I’m Tony Alocious 👋 I’m currently an Executive Committee Member of SurgSoc and organised Orthopoedics Skills Day, one of the flagship conferences of SurgSoc. In this process and my conference secretary role for NeuroSoc I have learned a lot about Union bureaucracy, including event proposals, risk assessments, event budgets and room bookings. My familiarity with Union procedures, together with my Neu ...