Surgical: Sponsorship Officer


Dharun Srirathan

With a strong commitment to driving growth and fostering valuable partnerships, I am eager to serve as your Sponsorship Officer for the Surgical Society. My experience in outreach and securing partnerships, including securing media vendors for a cheap price for Megamaalai Ball 2025, which had over 700 attendees and finding sponsorship partners during my time as VP of Events for Friends of Médecins Sans Fronti& ...

Sudharshan Palaniappa

Hi everyone, my name is Sudharshan, and I’m a third-year medical student who is excited to be running for the position of Sponsorship Officer in Surgical Society. As an individual who is passionate about surgery, I understand the importance of collaborating with sponsors to support our society’s events and initiatives. Securing strong partnerships with external organisations will allow us to continue off ...

Kelly Cheung

This candidate did not supply a manifesto.