Hi, I'm Mayuri, and I would love to be your Year 2 & 4 Academic Officer this year! As a fourth-year student currently studying the Reproductive and Developmental Sciences BSc, I am super passionate about Obstetrics & Gynaecology. I am eager to contribute to ICOGS by supporting early-year students in their academic journey, fostering their interest in this specialty, and helping them build confidence in the D ...
Hi, my name is Shreya and I would love to be your next Y2 & 4 Academic Officer! As an incoming Y3 student, I will be between both worlds of second and fourth year, having insights on 2nd year and offering new perspectives on 4th year. Having attended Journal Club over the past year and being passionate about O&G, I am excited to see what I can do with role of Academic Officer! As Academic Officer, I would l ...
Hi, I'm Durga - a 3rd year medic and I would love to be your next Y2 & 4 Academic Officer! O&G is such a unique speciality, and ICOGS has really helped me appreciate its depth and complexity. Attending the annual conference this year really solidified my interest in the field while highlighting how warm and friendly the community is! I would love to contribute to this supportive and welcoming environment by ...
Hi, my name is Moyin and I’m running for Ys 2 & 4 Academic Officer. As an incoming fourth year student with a strong interest in Obstetrics & Gynaecology, I am eager to enhance the learning experience for Year 2 and Year 4 students through well-structured tutorials and events. Having scored highly in the Development & Ageing components of the Year 1 and 2 BRS exams, and hoping to undertake a Rep ...
Hey everyone! O&G has always fascinated me, but it was my growing interest in research that truly made me realize just how much there is to explore in women’s health. During my placement, I saw how impactful this specialty is, and when I discovered this incredible society, I knew I had found a community I wanted to be a part of. As I spoke to consultants, I realized how important it is to start engaging w ...
Hi, My name is Kriti and I'm a first year medic ! O&B has always been a specialty I've been interested in. Having been diagnosed with PCOS myself, and gone through the struggle of fighting for my health issues to be recognised. I truly believe empowering women is so important and I’ve loved the work of the society I’ve seen so far. The subjects chosen for the conference as well as journal club have ...